Tidal Volume

The tidal volume is the volume of gas delivered with each machine-controlled breath, and this should be prepare such that the pinnacle inspiratory pressure (PIP) does not exceed 25 to 35 cm H2o to avoid trauma to the pulmonary tissues.

From: Equine Internal Medicine (Fourth Edition) , 2018

Basic Physiology of Macaca mulatta

Anne D. Lewis , Kamm Prongay , in The Nonhuman Primate in Nonclinical Drug Development and Safety Cess, 2022

Respiratory Rate, Tidal Volume, and Monitoring

Tidal volume, respiratory rate, and minute volume in the unanesthetized rhesus macaque is similar to that reported for other primate species [ 48]. There are some differences in pulmonary mechanics betwixt males and females. Hateful tidal volume for males is 38.9   mL and mean tidal volume for females is 46   mL. The respiratory charge per unit is similar: 38 breaths per minute for males and twoscore for females. Additional values, including minute volumes, are displayed in Table six.10. Mild differences in pH, pCO2, pO2, and base excess are too reported between males and females and between animals evaluated at different time points [48]. The effects of anesthesia on blood gas values are represented in Tabular array 6.11. Naturally occurring pulmonary disease is uncommon. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome and astute lung injury has been reported in both toxicology studies and viral research studies [31,49].

Table half dozen.x. Measurement of Lung Mechanics in Adult Rhesus Macaques

Wt (kg) Vt (mL) f (cycles/min) Respiratory Minute Volume (mL/min)
Males iii.48 38.9 38 1441
Females 3.33 46.0 xl 1820
Total mean three.40 42.5 39 1630

Adapted from Binns et al. [48]

Table 6.xi. Arterial Claret Gas Values for Rhesus Macaques, by Anesthetic Agent

Ketamine (n  =   33) Pentobarbital (due north  =   36) Propofol (n  =   7) Isoflurane (n  =   8)
pH 7.39   ±   0.03 7.35   ±   0.02 7.34   ±   0.01 seven.39   ±   0.02
pCO2 (mm Hg) 38.19   ±   iii.77 47.45   ±   3.51 46.81   ±   ii.29 44.07   ±   one.36
pO2 (mm Hg) 88.06   ±   7.49 85.20   ±   7.64 82.65   ±   4.16 Supplemented
HCO3 (mmol/L) 23.53   ±   2.65 26.68   ±   2.xiv 25.seventy   ±   one.68 26.69   ±   0.86
TCO2 (mmol/L) 24.71   ±   2.75 28.15   ±   2.23 27.13   ±   1.72 28.05   ±   0.88
O2 saturation (%) 96.53   ±   1.00 95.sixty   ±   one.21 95.28   ±   0.55 100   ±   0.00
O2 concentration (mL/dL) nineteen.eighteen   ±   0.23 19.01   ±   0.31 18.89   ±   0.12 xix.8   ±   0.00

Adapted from Hom et al. [22]

Intubation is typically washed in dorsal recumbency. Infants can exist intubated using a pocket-size, straight laryngoscope bract (the 00 Miller). A curved Macintosh of advisable size is more often than not used for juveniles and adults. Bronchoscopy of the trachea and mainstem bronchi of adults tin can be achieved using a pediatric scope with 3.8-mm outer diameter. Total and differential cell counts from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid are presented in Table 6.12 [50].

Table half dozen.12. Total and Differential Cell Analysis of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid from Rhesus Macaques

Total count a   10five/mL) Macrophages a , b (%) Lymphocytes (%) Neutrophils (%) Eosinophils (%)
10.2   ±   one.48 98.twenty   ±   ane.61 1.13   ±   1.41 0.threescore   ±   0.91 0.07   ±   0.26
Values are mean   ±   standard deviation (n  =   15).
Differential cell assay presented as a percentage of 200 cells in at least five representative fields.

Adapted from TateRico and Roy [fifty]

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Jet Ventilation

Bruno H. Pypendop PhysicianMed.Vet., Dr.Vet.Sci., DACVA , in Modest Animal Critical Care Medicine, 2009


Tidal volume is very difficult to measure out during jet ventilation. The loftier velocity of the jet and entrainment of additional gas brand inspiratory volume measurement very hard; spillage of gas out of the open airway and the mutual add-on of a bias menstruum make measurement of expired volume inaccurate. fourteen Similarly, end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration cannot reliably be measured.iii Therefore adequacy of ventilation should be confirmed by end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration measurement during intermittent ventilation with large tidal book, or past arterial blood gas analysis.

Jet ventilation may crusade fluctuations in the amplitude of breast excursions, and phasic changes in heart rate and systemic and pulmonary arterial pressures, resulting in fluctuations in claret flow.twenty The small tidal volumes and therefore low summit airway pressure and possibly hateful airway pressure during jet ventilation are expected to limit the cardiovascular effects of this style of ventilation. However, compared with conventional mechanical ventilation, high-frequency jet ventilation may result in similar, larger, or smaller cardiovascular effects.

Jet ventilation, particularly during severe bronchoconstriction or other forms of airway obstruction, may outcome in lung overinflation, as gas accumulates because of short expiratory times. Lung hyperinflation may besides result from steady alveolar pressure in excess of steady airway pressure.seven This is likely due to unequal inspiratory and expiratory impedances, distribution of oscillatory menses, and expiratory flow limitation.11,21 In add-on, high-velocity gas streams as generated during high-frequency ventilation preferentially follow straight pathways. Because of the geometry of the central airway, this may result in regional differences, with an increased trend of the lung base to be overinflated compared with the noon.7

Prolonged use (i.e., hours) of high-frequency jet ventilation administered in the trachea via a catheter was shown to result in endoscopic evidence of tracheal injury characterized past hypervascularity, fungus accumulation, focal hemorrhage, linear epithelial loss, and/or diffuse erythema and epithelial loss.22

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Jet Ventilation

Bruno H. Pypendop DrMedVet, DrVetSci, DACVA , in Small-scale Brute Disquisitional Care Medicine (Second Edition), 2022


Tidal volume is very difficult to measure during jet ventilation. The high velocity of the jet and entrainment of additional gas make inspiratory volume measurement very hard; spillage of gas out of the open airway and the common improver of a bias flow brand measurement of expired volume inaccurate. 14 Similarly, end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration cannot be reliably measured during this style of ventilation. 3 Therefore adequacy of ventilation should be confirmed past cease-tidal carbon dioxide concentration measurement during intermittent ventilation with big tidal volume or by arterial blood gas assay.

Jet ventilation may cause fluctuations in the amplitude of chest excursions and phasic changes in heart rate and systemic and pulmonary arterial pressures, resulting in fluctuations in blood flow. 20 The small tidal volumes and therefore low elevation airway pressure and mayhap hateful airway pressure during jet ventilation are expected to limit the cardiovascular effects of this way of ventilation. However, compared with conventional mechanical ventilation, high-frequency jet ventilation may result in similar, larger, or smaller cardiovascular effects.

Jet ventilation, especially during severe bronchoconstriction or other forms of airway obstruction, may result in lung overinflation equally gas accumulates because of curt expiratory times. Lung hyperinflation may too result from steady alveolar pressure level in excess of steady airway pressure level. 7 This likely is due to unequal inspiratory and expiratory impedances, distribution of oscillatory catamenia, and expiratory period limitation. eleven,21 In add-on, loftier-velocity gas streams as generated during high-frequency ventilation preferentially follow straight pathways. Because of the geometry of the primal airway, this may event in regional differences, with an increased tendency of the lung base to be overinflated, compared with the apex. seven

Prolonged employ (i.e., hours) of high-frequency jet ventilation administered in the trachea via a catheter was shown to effect in endoscopic show of tracheal injury characterized past hypervascularity, mucus accumulation, focal hemorrhage, linear epithelial loss, and diffuse erythema and epithelial loss. 22

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Respiratory toxicity

John A. Pickrell , in Veterinary Toxicology, 2007


Tidal volume has a contribution from dead book: the volume in the conducting airways that does not commutation gas ( West, 2000a, b). Anatomic expressionless space measures the volume of the conducting airways to where oxygen becomes diluted, e.g. Fowler's method. Physiologic dead space measures the portion of the airways that do not exchange carbon dioxide (COtwo) (Bohr's method). The more than rapid and shallow the animate design, the college the percentage of the non-contributing expressionless book in each breath.

In improver the tidal volume has a contribution from the alveolar (acinar) volume (the volume in the alveolus that does substitution gas). Although we assume that all regions of the lung are ventilated equally, positional differences are seen in humans (Westward, 2000a, b). Such differences are minimized when humans are in the supine position. The anterior main bronchi receive more ventilation than exercise the rear ones in dogs.

Ozone and oxides of nitrogen and sulfur were modeled for absorption throughout the respiratory tract (Tsujino et al., 2005). All three gases had higher concentration in the airways. For example, ozone was three–12 times higher at the fifth generation bronchus. Sensitivity analysis indicated that tidal volume, respiratory rate, and surface area of the upper and lower airways significantly affected the results. Kinetics of inhaled gaseous substances vary essentially amid animals and humans, and such variations are, at to the lowest degree partially, the result of anatomical and physiological differences in their airways.

Two anesthetized, spontaneously breathing ducks inhaled a non-toxic fe oxide aerosol with an aerodynamic mass mean bore = 0.18 μm at 460 mg/m3 for one.75h; two awake, resting ducks inhaled a 10-fold less concentrated aerosol (38 mg/thousandiii) for 6 h on two consecutive days (Stearns et al., 1987). We constitute atomic number 26 oxide particles trapped within the substance that coats the atria and infundibula; within epithelial cells of the atria and initial portions of the infundibula; and within interstitial macrophages. Only occasionally, small-scale amounts of particles were found in the air capillaries. Both epithelial cells and interstitial macrophages phagocytized particles in avian lungs and transported them to the atria and the initial portions of the infundibula (Stearns et al., 1987; Chocolate-brown et al., 1997).

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Douglas Wartzok , in Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (Second Edition), 2009

II Tidal Volume

The tidal volume (the amount of air breathed in or out during normal respiration) is a larger proportion of the full lung chapters (TLC) in marine mammals than information technology is of terrestrial mammals. In a typical terrestrial mammal the volume of air inhaled and exhaled in one jiff is in the range of 10–15% of TLC. In marine mammals, tidal volume is typically greater than 75% of TLC. The maximum tidal book or vital capacity (VC) in terrestrial mammals is not more 75% of TLC, whereas in marine mammals the VC tin exceed ninety% of TLC. Several factors contribute to the large tidal book in marine mammals. Marine mammal lungs contain more elastic tissue than those of terrestrial mammals ( Kooyman and Sinnett, 1979). The ribs contain more cartilage and are thus more than compliant than those of terrestrial mammals. The lung is also more than compliant. Marine mammal lungs tin can collapse and reinflate repeatedly, whereas in terrestrial mammals, lung collapse is a serious state of affairs that requires intervention to reinflate. Although both terrestrial mammals and marine mammals inspire actively and expire passively, the features noted earlier allow a much greater elastic recoil of the lungs, chest cavity, and diaphragm, and thus a greater tidal book in proportion to TLC.

The last portions of the airways in all marine mammals are supported and reinforced by cartilage or muscle. One purpose of this reinforcement is to provide a less collapsible region into which alveolar gases can be forced during a dive to prevent gas exchange with claret at loftier pressures. This prevents increased nitrogen tensions in the blood and tissues equally noted previously. A 2d purpose of the reinforcement is to go along the terminal airways open even at high-flow rates of gases in and out of the lung during a breath and to permit high expiratory period rates even as the lung volume decreases. Fig. 3 shows the menstruum volume contour comparing during exhalation between a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and a human. In that location are 2 hitting differences. First, the menstruum rates are much higher in terms of VC/sec. Second, the flow rates remain very high; even down to a small fraction of the VC. These two factors together allow very rapid exhalation of the total VC. Inspiration takes somewhat longer.

Effigy 3. Comparison of the flow-volume curves of a human (dashed line) and a harbor porpoise (solid line). Note that in the human, afterward the book falls below about lxxx% of vital capacity, the menses rate declines steadily, but this is non the case in the porpoise. Modified, with permission, from G. L. Kooyman and Due east. E. Sinnett, 1979 ©, Mechanical backdrop of the harbor porpoise lung, Phocoena. Res. Physiol. 36 , 287–300, Elsevier Scientific discipline.

The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) completes an exhalation and inhalation cycle in approximately a third of a second. With a tidal volume of 10   l, catamenia rates through the air passages tin be as loftier as seventy l/sec. In grayness whale (Eschrichtius robustus) calves the duration of expiration and inhalation is closer to one-half a second, but the tidal volume tin can exist as great of 62   fifty, and the maximum flow rate as bully as 202 l/sec. Gas flows through the external nares at speeds upwards to 44 thou/sec during inspiration and 200 m/sec during expiration. Cetaceans normally initiate expiration prior to the blowholes breaking the surface. The explosive nature of the expiration creates the small-scale aerosol that make the blow visible and clears the upper respiratory passages and the area around the blowholes of any residual h2o. The time that the blowholes are in a higher place the surface is more often than not used for inspiration.

The large tidal volume allows for more than oxygen loading and greater carbon dioxide unloading during a single breath at the surface. Fifty-fifty in a resting state, the carbon dioxide content of expired air in seals is twice as corking as it is in humans. Later extended breath holds, alveolar oxygen levels can be as depression as 1.v%. The oxygen and carbon dioxide content of expired air after surfacing can provide indirect evidence of physiological adjustments to diving. In bottlenose dolphins, the oxygen content in the first breath after a swoop to 200   k is greater than it is in the get-go breath subsequently an equivalent amount of swimming at xx   m (Ridgway, 1972). The interpretation is that the plummet of lungs in the deeper dive prevented the exchange of oxygen with the exchange of oxygen with the claret during the dive. For the same reason, the content of carbon dioxide in the kickoff jiff is always less after a dive to depth than after a dive near the surface. In greyness seals (Halichoerus grypus), the end tidal fractional force per unit area of oxygen in the first exhalation later on surfacing is similar to that in the final breath before submergence, again indicating that the lungs were complanate at depth and there was no gas substitution.

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Pulmonary System

Robert M. Carroll PhD , in Elsevier'due south Integrated Physiology, 2007


Compliance is the alter in volume divided by the change in pressure. For the lungs, measured compliance is due to both compliance of the lungs and compliance of the thorax. Hysteresis, or wandering, is a alter in measured compliance during inspiration and expiration. Hysteresis is due to the viscid properties of the lungs and surface tension within the alveoli.

Surfactants human action like a detergent to reduce the surface tension of the fluid lining the alveoli. Surfactants are secreted by blazon Ii granular pneumocytes. Surfactant contains a variety of phospholipids, specially dipalmitoyl lecithin and sphingomyelin. Reduced surface tension is essential to allowing a functional air-water interface on the surface of the alveoli (Fig. 10-seven).

Diseases can alter compliance. Compliance is reduced in disease states such every bit fibrosis and surfactant deficiency. For these individuals, a much larger inspiratory effort is required to inflate the lungs. At the other extreme, compliance is increased is disease states such as emphysema. For these individuals, inflation of the lungs is relatively piece of cake, just rubberband recoil is less constructive in assisting expiration.


Infinitesimal ventilation is the tidal book times the respiratory rate, usually, 500 mL × 12 breaths/min = 6000 mL/min. Increasing respiratory charge per unit or tidal volume volition increase minute ventilation. Dead space refers to airway volumes not participating in gas commutation. Anatomic expressionless space includes air in the mouth, trachea, and all but the smallest bronchioles, usually about 150 mL. Physiologic dead space too includes alveoli that are ventilated but practise non exchange gas because of low claret flow (usually, 0 mL in normal humans). Tidal volume must exceed dead infinite or functional alveoli volition non be ventilated with fresh air.

Only air delivered to the terminal bronchioles and alveoli is bachelor for gas commutation. Alveolar minute ventilation is less than minute ventilation and is calculated as ([tidal book − expressionless space] × respiratory charge per unit) or ([500 mL − 150 mL] × 12 breaths/min) = 4200 mL/min. Increasing tidal volume increases alveolar ventilation more than effectively than does increasing respiratory charge per unit (see the earlier give-and-take of restrictive and obstructive affliction).

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Pulmonary gas exchange

In Veterinarian Anaesthesia (Eleventh Edition), 2022

2 Rapid gas flow rate

If the necessary tidal volume of gas is to be delivered to the lungs in a short inspiratory period, it is articulate that the catamenia charge per unit will demand to be loftier. The rate at which gas tin flow into the lungs, however, is largely dictated by the resistance offered past the apparatus used and the airway resistance. The airway resistance to the various lung regions may non exist compatible. For example, a bleb of mucus may partially obstruct a small bronchus and profoundly increase the resistance to gas period through it. A high gas flow rate through a neighbouring, unobstructed bronchus may result in overdistension of the alveoli supplied past it in an interval of time so curt that the alveoli supplied by the partially obstructed bronchus will not have time for more than than minimal expansion. Theoretically, it would seem that under these circumstances alveolar rupture might occur but, in practise, this complexity seems rare unless pulmonary contusions be from automobile-trauma.

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G.J. Bellingan , South.J. Finney , in Encyclopedia of Respiratory Medicine, 2006

Tidal book

Commitment of a normal tidal book to extensively consolidated lungs inevitably results in overdistension of the remaining lung units. Experimental work demonstrated that this may exist a significant trigger for VILI, and resulted in the National Institutes of Wellness (NIH)-sponsored study of low tidal-volume ventilation in 861 patients. This landmark study showed that mortality could be reduced by the use of lower tidal volumes (4–6  ml   kg−1, ideal torso mass) or at least the abstention of more than 'traditional' tidal volumes (10–12   ml   kg−1). The corresponding plateau inspiratory pressures were 25 and 35   cmH2O, respectively. Plasma and bronchoalveolar lavage cytokine and chemokines levels were greater in those patients receiving college tidal volumes. The study protocol has been adopted by some as the definitive ventilatory strategy. More correctly, it provided excellent bear witness for VILI and should class the basis of lung-protective strategies. Indeed, it has been suggested that targeting lower-terminate expiratory alveolar pressures may be more sensible, since the specific pulmonary compliance (compliance corrected for accessible lung volume) has been reported as normal in patients with ALI/ARDS.

Smaller tidal volumes may reduce VILI by virtue of the reduced cyclical volume per se, or through a reduction in the end-inspiratory volume. It is not articulate which is the important factor although in vitro experiments on mechanically plain-featured epithelial layers have demonstrated that cyclical changes are more damaging than constant stretch to a high volume. How these results translate to the in vivo scenario is not clear.

In the absenteeism of increased respiratory rates, reductions in tidal volume volition reduce alveolar ventilation and event in a hypercapnic acidosis. Permissive hypercapnia is more often than not well tolerated except in the setting of a marked metabolic acidosis and increased intracranial pressure. Hypercapnia may also reduce myocardial contractility, and possibly increase the need for sedation and/or paralysis. The effects on the allowed response are notwithstanding unclear. The degree of hypercapnic acidosis allowable is unclear although many clinicians accept arterial pH values not less than 7.20. When titrating respiratory rate to pCO2 , it must be remembered that increases in respiratory rate will have less influence on alveolar ventilation in ARDS due to the increased dead infinite, and that reductions in respiratory rate can paradoxically increase COtwo clearance when inspiratory times are specially prolonged. Tracheal insufflation of oxygen and administration of weak bases are sometimes used to gainsay the acidosis.

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Gas Commutation in the Lungs

Joseph Feher , in Quantitative Human Physiology (Second Edition), 2022

Inspired Air Differs in Volume from Expired Air to the Extent of Differences Betwixt Q O 2 and Q CO 2

Consider a single tidal book. The book of inspired air that exchanges gas is 5 A * and the volume of expired air that originates from the exchanging regions is V A. The volume of this expired air is equal to the volume of inspired air less the volume of O2 taken up plus the volume of COii excreted:

[vi.iii.A1.3] V A = Five A * + Five CO two 5 O two

We can multiply both sides of this equation past ν R to obtain the menses of gas instead of the volumes:

[vi.3.A1.4] Q A = Q A * + Q CO 2 Q O ii

This tin exist rewritten in terms of Q A * :

[6.3.A1.5] Q A * = Q A Q CO 2 + Q O two

Since there is no gas exchange in the expressionless-space volumes, we write the conservation of mass equations for CO2 and O2 equally

[6.3.A1.6A] Q CO two = f A CO 2 Q A f I CO ii Q A *

[six.3.A1.6B] Q O 2 = f I O ii Q A * f A O ii Q A

Substituting in for Q A * from Eqn [half dozen.3.A1.5] into Eqn [half dozen.3.A1.6A], we obtain

[6.3.A1.7] Q CO ii = f A CO 2 Q A f I CO two ( Q A + Q O 2 Q CO 2 )

This can be solved for f A CO 2 :

[six.3.A1.viii] f A CO 2 = Q CO 2 Q A + f I CO 2 + f I CO ii ( Q O 2 Q CO 2 ) Q A

The mole fractions can exist converted to partial pressures by multiplying by (P B−47), because the mole fractions of gas are always expressed in terms of STPD. The results give

[half-dozen.3.A1.nine] P A CO 2 = Q CO 2 Q A ( P B 47 ) + P I CO 2 + P I CO 2 ( Q O 2 Q CO ii ) Q A

When there is lilliputian CO2 in the inspired air, the concluding two terms on the correct-hand side of the equation can be ignored. The resulting approximation gives

[vi.3.A1.10] P A CO 2 = Q CO 2 Q A ( P B 47 )

This is the alveolar ventilation equation. It illustrates the inverse relationship betwixt P A CO 2 and Q A. When alveolar ventilation increases, for the same metabolic condition, P A CO 2 decreases and vice versa. Similarly, when CO2 production increases, P A CO 2 increases in parallel unless Q A as well increases.

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Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury

Lisa Smart BVSc, DACVECC , in Small-scale Animal Critical Intendance Medicine (2d Edition), 2022

Low tidal book

There is stiff evidence for limiting tidal volume to vi to 10 ml/kg, staying to the lower stop of this range when the lungs are already compromised. Inflammation in the lung causes heterogeneous changes throughout, with regions of poorer compliance and atelectasis, which ways more compliant regions get overdistended. Because information technology is hard to know in any 1 patient which portions of the lung are being overdistended and which are not, it is prudent to limit tidal volume as much equally possible. Even so, using low tidal volume as well increases the risk of perpetuating atelectasis and creating further shear injury; therefore, awarding of PEEP is vital.

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